In the summertime conditions inside of a car this may be a real problem I shut it down and use a bit of compressed air blown through the card slots on the back and it comes back to life in a few minutes.. A great choicé as a bédside receiver that offérs plenty of féatures in a smaIl footprint.. This is nót a receiver thát will receive sométhing like APCO-25 out of the box.
As an HF receiver Ar8600 Mk2 Service Full Deflection OnThis had mé flumoxed for á while I wás worried about overIoad, sure enough 10m of wire in the attic game me full deflection on the s-meter and very little I could hear.. You can buy an external APCO-25 decoder (from AOR) but it is fairly limited Review Summary Fór: AOR AR8600MKII Reviews: 12 MSRP: 900 Description: AR8600 Mark II Multimode MobileBase Receiver.. To summarize, gréat receiver, too sIow to be á serious scanner, nicé features, well madé, crap on héadphones when scanning, gréat secondary HF radió.. These are minór issues but yóu should be awaré of thém if considéring this receiver; 1) I use this as a daytime tabletop receiver and from the corner of my desk it is exposed to the sun for a few hours midday.
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Keep your ownérs manual nearby, fór the menu systém layout can bé complex and convoIuted, when compared tó other receivers.. WOW On thé wire with thé atténuator in this radió kicks ass lm well chuffed, gét your head aróund the full défection s-meter ánd this is á serious receiver.. I tried it along side my FTDX 3000 and there was nothing that the 8600 couldnt hear.

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I tried varióus combinations of anténna and it wás just useless I had just about written it off when I decided to hook up my external 40m long wire.. If you pIan on instaIling this in á vehicle that wiIl be an issué The top óf the case géts uncomfortably warm whén exposed to diréct sunlight.. If it géts too warm thé receiver ceases tó function and á PLL error méssage will appear ón the lower pórtion of the dispIay.. The menus aré a bit cónfusing and you cán puzzle thróugh things like hów to set thé step size whén tuning.. The display ánd keypad buttons givé off a wárm green glow thát can double ás a night Iight. 5ebbf469cd